A list of ‘noise words’ to be hunted down when redrafting:
a few |
actually |
almost |
always |
appear |
as |
basically |
began |
bit |
but |
clear |
even |
eyes |
fairly |
good |
however |
just |
like |
little |
maybe |
might |
nearly |
notice |
now |
only |
perhaps |
quite |
rather |
really |
remember |
seem |
slightly |
smile |
something |
sort of |
stuff |
sudden |
then |
thing |
think |
turn |
very |
was |
well |
you know |
Hi Mike – yes the ones I’m having most trouble with at the moment are those ‘moderating qualifiers’ like nearly, fairly, sort of, a bit, a little, rather, because Chari’s pov is fairly (sort of, quite) moderate… So how do you get that sense of hesitancy into the voice without all these noise words?